
Help Nourish Children in Need

I’m excited to partner with Franchesca, who runs a heartfelt initiative to provide nutritious meals to undernourished children in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Many children here are suffering from malnutrition, causing stunted growth and limiting their future potential. But together, we can change that.

A donation of $25 ensures about15 kids receive balanced meals filled with carbohydrates, protein, fruits, and vegetables—essential nutrition for their growing bodies—along with necessary supplies and transportation to reach them.

Franchesca, along with volunteers from her hometown, personally delivers these meals directly to areas most affected by poverty-related malnutrition, ensuring that the children who need it most are receiving proper nourishment. Below are some photos of Franchesca and her team providing meals and making a real difference in these children's lives.

100% of proceeds go directly towards supporting this cause, ensuring every dollar makes an impact on these children's lives. Together, we can provide consistent, vital nutrition to those who need it most. Join me in making a positive impact today—because no child should go hungry.

Franchesca's GoFundMe can be found here!

Chris Trejbal, CNP, was a proud 2023 participant of the Shopper Drug Mart Run for Women supporting women’s mental health programs available at Ontario Shores.

For the month of May 2022, Chris Trejbal, CNP, ran for children’s hospitals and life-saving research in the Million Reasons Run. With the help of generous donors, we raised over 400$ and more than tripled our running goal!

Together, we helped kids like Leroy! To read the full story, head here.


Chris Trejbal, CNP, is a supporter of the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF). AMF provides netting to protect against malaria from mosquitoes.

“Founded in 1986, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit research and educational organization that develops medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from the careful uses of psychedelics and marijuana.”

Chris Trejbal, CNP, proudly supports the ethical and careful research toward the use of psychedelic medicine to treat certain individuals.

Chris Trejbal, CNP, is a proud supporter of The Drunken Taoist Podcast.