Today, it’s pretty common for businesses to outsource their resources to another country for various reasons. One of those is cheaper labour costs. 

One of the problems with outsourcing to other countries is that labour laws may differ. Thus, the quality of work environments may not be excellent for workers. Also, their wage may be significantly lower than in other countries.

As more is outsourced to other countries, we also take away from Canadian businesses—people like you and me with families and lives of our own. We want to put more money and resources back into Canadian hands and encourage our economy to grow.  

This is why I decided to start The Chris Trejbal, CNP Canadian Initiative. 

The goal is for 100% of my business expenses to be from Canadian products and services. I want to support Canadians in their business endeavor as I grow and flourish on my own. This will be an ongoing self-project to become a 100% Canadian-run business.